About Us

Who We Are

The EIDM Portal by AFIDEP, is a digital repository catering to information and knowledge sharing needs of researchers, policymakers, media, civil society and other stakeholders working in the evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) space.

We are committed to providing a platform where EIDM related publications, policies, best practices, case studies, tools and resources are published and promoted. We will also facilitate live and offline engagement between researchers on EIDM knowledge, sharing of lessons and experiences, consultations, mentorships, capacity building, collaboration.

Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM)

Evidence plays an important role in improving policy, programme and practice decisions that ultimately improve development effectiveness. EIDM is an approach that aims to ensure that decision-making is well-informed by the best available evidence. It is characterised by systematic and transparent access to, and appraisal of, evidence as an input into making a decision.

An evidence-informed approach better enables decision-makers to manage their own use of evidence - concerns facts (actual or asserted) intended for use in support of a conclusion

AFIDEP’s Approach to EIDM

The African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) is an African-led, non-profit research and policy institute to strengthen the use of evidence among decision-makers in Africa. AFIDEP seeks to ensure that African decision-makers use evidence consistently so that the right policies, programmes and budget allocations are made to transform people’s lives for the better.

As the world approaches the 2030 deadline for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Africa – the ten-year mark for the African Union Agenda 2063, we anticipate that there will be increased demand for evidence from decision and policymakers as well as development actors, to support decision-making and performance monitoring on these roadmaps. Therefore, AFIDEP’s focus on institutionalising a culture of EIDM is timely and critical to transforming Africa’s development prospects.

EIDM in Africa

Since founding, AFIDEP has made considerable progress promoting evidence-use across various countries in Africa. Our pioneering efforts have contributed to the growing recognition of the important role of EIDM in development and transforming the lives of the African people.

Click on a country or select a country from the drop down below to view interventions
